Sunday 13 March 2011

Day 3

Earliest start so far this morning.  Arrived in the car park just after 8 am.  Beautiful morning and the summit was bright and clear and the church was clearly visible.  Something told me that things would change before I got there!  Past experiences have thought me that weather is ever changing in Murrisk.  Still it was nice to be setting out with dry and bright weather.

  I had a quick chat with Pat and headed off up on my 5th climb in 3 days.  Solo climb but that was ok.  I had to be back in Castlebar by mid day so at least I could dictate the pace today.  I remained a solo climber for all but a brief period on today's ascent.  The brief period of company came in the form of a jolly old man who was suddenly right behind me on the ridge.  He was flying up!!  I had set a good pace and had passed a lot of climbers that had set off well before me so when I heard footsteps at my shoulder I expected to see a mountain runner!  Instead I find this jolly old chap with a great smile.  I turned to him and said "Jesus your flying".  He smiled and asked me if i was doing the 7 days to which I said "if I'm able for it".  He down played his speed up the mountain by saying he only climbs a couple of times a week and he only goes as far as the first toilet since his two knee replacements!!!!!  With that he shot off up the mountain and I had not hope of keeping pace with him!!  To make it worse he didn't turn at the toilet, he went to the top!!  I shook his hand when I finally got there.  That was impressive climbing for a man 20/30 years his junior!  He went in to the church said a quick prayer and off down he went again!

The only stop I had on the way up was when I met Cyril.  I met Cyril about 14 years ago when we both did a course over a few months.  Our paths crossed after that through work a few time and he fitted out kitchen 9 years ago.  I hadn't seen Cyril much in the past few years until the 7 Day Challenge last year when I met him on the mountain every day of my 4 days and I was delighted to meet him so far this year on 3 out of 3 days.  He is a good bloke and great for the few words of encouragement.  Looking forward to meeting again tomorrow. 

There was more snow overnight so although not as far down the mountain as yesterday there was significant snow on the cone.  I decided to stay close to the track today.  Went slightly to the left of the main track today mainly because of congestion but also because it is easier in snow than on snowy icy rocks.  There was a bit of tiny hail stones on the way up that felt like pins being stuck in your face!  On the summit there was no view what so ever.  The cloud had come down and it was bitterly cold.  No hanging around for photos today.  Just took one to mark the climb.

I ran down today once I got past the tricky first segment of the cone.  Started on the right on the stone then into the deeper snow and crossed at the corner of the cone and went down on the left.  Met Dermot (newest blog follower!!) on the point compared opinions of today's climb and back to snow running!!  I have a small bit of video footage but have been having difficulty getting it from phone to computer.  I'll post it tomorrow if I can.

Great fun again running down in snow!  After snow and back on the track I look up to see Eoin giving me a round of applauds!!! Met him on Friday and am meeting every day now.  Another of life's naturally happy friendly people.  Next to meet was the one and only Johnny Oosten sporting a pair of shorts and feeling the effects of that!  He was red raw from being pelted by hailstones!!  What I knew and didn't wanted to tell him was that conditions were much further on and the wind had picked up to knocking of balance strength!  Any off with me again!  Passed Cyril next.  "Here comes the rocket" was all I heard as I passed!!!  Back down to the carpark in 38 minutes.  10.18am.  Great!  Loads of time to shower , change, refuel and soak up some of the base camp atmosphere.  I had another €5 shower and although I still think its pricey it was a little piece of heaven!!!  I was so glad to have climbed when I did cos the weather turned very nasty when I was having the post climb soup and sambos!  I since discovered that they had to call a halt to the climbing later in the day due to the weather.  Still no confirmation of tomorrows climb.  I must admit no matter how fast you are moving down the mountain sometimes you have to stop to admire natures beauty and the ever changing light around the mountain and Clew Bay

Home by 5pm and a chill out evening for the Barrys.  The feet have been up for most of the evening and there is a cold beer beside me.  Bliss!  Legs are sore for the first time this week and funny as it may sound I think it was the golf that did it! 

Change of plan for tomorrow.  Dairin (wife) is going to climb later in the week instead of tomorrow as the weather really in not suitable to first time climbers.  Its not an easy climb at the moment and if that wind hold up tomorrow is going to be a rotten couple of climbs!  Reward for efforts tomorrow?  See Here

I'd like to say thank you to Matt Loughrey for giving my humble blog a recommendation on his 365 page!  It has been great getting all the positive feedback on achievements so far and to hear that people are enjoying reading the ramblings of wannabe adventurer!!!

See you all back here tomorrow!



  1. Again, another great blog. We were supposed to climb today but the conditions were shocking, Corina{Johnny Oostens sister} is my climbing buddy, she rang Johnny this morning to be told there was a blizzard on the without the right footwear and clothing we made the decission of safety first....hopefully there will be a thaw! we have some pics up if you want to see our climb of madness [on facebook]
    Good Luck
    Hilda Hughes Gilligan

  2. You should tell mum about the man with the two knee replacements! Also, your "see here" didn't work?

  3. hi greg. only started reading your blog today, and really enjoying it. im sure i have been one of those to pass remark ' did i not see you already today?'. well done, it must be tough doing the 2 climbs a day. i would love to but i think i might wait til this weather passes. i will stick to 1 a day for the week!!! i have to say my favorite part of it all is meeting new people and seeing the same faces and stopping for a chat everyday!
    tracy form castlebar

  4. Thanks for the comments Hilda. Saw the photos on Fackbook they are great. I know who you are now!!!

    Tracy, nice to have met you. How are you after all that climbing?
